Get Help From Your Missionaries

When Missionary Kim (whom the Thailand house church supports) visited our church, I joked to him, "I hope you are praying for us at least once a month." "Once a month?" he said. "No. Every day." As if afraid to sound like he was exaggerating, he explained further: "When sending us mission funds, most churches just send us a check. But the Seoul Baptist house church sends us not only money, but also personal letters including members' prayer requests. I have come to know the house church members intimately, and I cannot help but pray for them every day." I think one ...

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Some Clarifications on One-to-One Discipleship

Christian life is a great adventure that is filled with excitement and thrills. Yet, it is also marked with pain and suffering. That's why God is telling us to live this life not alone, but together with one another. Hebrews 10: 23-25 says, "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another?and all the more as you see the Day approaching." We need ...

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Switching House Churches

As you know, my wife and I visit a different house church each week. On occasion I find people who used to belong to a different house church. This might be a good time to remind everyone of our church's policy on switching house churches. It is our church's policy that you cannot leave a house church once you become a member. The reason for this is that the house church is the training ground for Jesus' disciples. Becoming His disciples means that you are becoming more like Him. One way in which this is accomplished is through human conflict. As you work to love people ...

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Active Worship

There is a close relationship between spiritual growth and worship. People who are spiritually vibrant are also really into worship. Conversely, people who seem to be backsliding spiritually do not enjoy worship. If you consider your own life, you may see that periods of spiritual growth were times when you worshiped wholeheartedly, and that periods of spiritual stagnancy were times when you worshiped half-heartedly. It is hard to tell whether you grow spiritually because you engage in meaningful worship, or whether you have meaningful worship experiences because you are ...

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How To Find People Who Need Jesus

Many of our members say that their church life is one of the main reasons for their happiness. This has happened because we make God's desire our number one priority. God wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4). God does not want anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to repentance (1 Pet 3:9). The happiness we experience is a reward from God for seeking to fulfill his wishes. Some say that it's impossible for them to find non-believers even though they're willing to help others come to know Christ. Their difficulty is understa...

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I Appreciate My Wife

I came home the other day to a hot house because my wife had set the thermostat to 82. A few days later a laundry rack appeared in the backyard where my wife started sun-drying wet laundry before putting it in the dryer. These days she follows me around and turns off the light whenever I leave it on. She's obviously trying to cut our household expenses since she no longer works. I don't know how much money we save by doing these things or whether these extreme measures are really necessary. But I do appreciate what she's doing. My wife is a good household manager. She ...

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Sermon Making

For years I've been listening to sermon tapes of a well-known pastor that his church mails to me for free. At first, I enjoyed them immensely. But after several years, I've started to get a little bored with them because I find that he covers the same topics over and over again. He also uses certain words repeatedly. Some of his favorites are "blessings", "success", "vision", and "challenge". I began to wonder whether I bore our church members because I also have favorite words that I use often, such as "happiness", "mission", "obedience", and "service". For this reason ...

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