172 results for author: Pastor Eric Shin

Pastor Chae’s Transition

Pastor Chae, our children’s ministry director/pastor for the past nine years, will be transitioning out from children’s ministry by the end of July after this year’s VBS. He will also move on from New Life to do what God seems to be leading him to do at this point in his life. He has done a great job in modeling and teaching God’s word to our children and also equipping the parents to raise their children well in the Lord. Though we are happy and excited for him and Suemy for the next assignment that God has in store for them, we are also sad to realize that we have just a few months left together with them. We truly appreciate Pastor Chae and ...

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Things to Remember for House Church Seminar

(This is from Pastor Lee’s “Pastor’s Column” last Sunday, which was translated by his daughter, Debbie Lee. I edited and modified it to make it applicable for New Life.) House Church Seminar for Pastors will start this coming Tuesday. This time, 80 participants will come to KSC and 24 to ESC to learn about our house church ministry. I would like for us to remember several things as we prepare for the seminar. The most important thing that persuades the pastors to do house church ministry is the sacrificial serving of our shepherds and members. A kind and respectful greeting at the airport, a deep conviction about house church ministry ...

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Your Village Leader Will Start Visiting You

We now have 73 house churches including the two in Chiang Mai shepherded by Eric Chu and David Kim. God is using us to reach out to our VIPs and we are definitely growing in number! As you all know, my wife and I make a house church visitation each Friday. It’s always very warm and encouraging to visit your house churches. Through this visitation, I get to know you better by going over to where you live, sharing a meal together and asking you questions. You too get a chance to know me and my wife better through the Q & A session we have when we visit your house churches. You get to ask us questions about the Bible, New Life and our personal ...

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Three Axes (Three Essentials)

(This is what I posted on one of the pastors’ Facebook pages that I am a part of. I write things about New Life time to time to share with them what’s taking place here so that they will get curious about our church and will want to come and learn from us.) There are three essential things that I emphasize to people at New Life to embrace if they want to grow spiritually. We call them Three Axes. They are:      Weekly house church on Fridays (We never skip house church. We show up unless we are dying on our deathbed!)      Weekday Bible Study on Mondays and Thursdays (People sign up to take what they need to take each semester. ...

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My Schedule for 2017

My wife, Lynette, and I got married on Monday, March 23, 1992.  My first son, Enoch, was born on July 26, 1993 in Watertown, MA.  We drove a Budget moving truck with our 1989 white Honda Accord towed behind it for 1,870 miles and moved down from Boston to Houston arriving on Saturday, December 3, 1994 to serve at Seoul Baptist Church as an English speaking pastor.  My wife was about five months pregnant and I was 30 years old then.  Caleb, my second son, was born on April 19, 1995.  In just 22 months later, my third son, Josiah, was born on February 11, 1997.  We began New Life Fellowship on Sunday, August 10, 1997. Next year, 2017, is, ...

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God is good! All the time!

This year’s fall retreat was so good, wasn’t it? I liked every aspect of the retreat. During our Six Day Early Morning Prayer (EMP) in October, we specifically prayed to God for the weather, that it will be around 70s during the day and 50s in the night. God very accurately answered our prayers on this. God is good! We prayed for traveling mercy and safety. Other than one person having a flat tire at the camp, I haven’t heard anyone getting into an accident. God is good! The facility is just amazing! I like the layout at Camp Allen. Everything seems to be built in its right place where it should belong. Their main entrance is very warm ...

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Pray for Churches in South Africa

We have been praying as a church that God will use New Life as a resource church in helping other churches to become a church in the spirit of the New Testament. This means we make ourselves available which includes our time, money and relationships. About a year ago, there was an invitation from Missionary Enoch Lee in Johannesburg, South Africa for me and my wife to come and teach them about house church particularly to those churches whose pastors and wives attended our Pastors’ Seminar last year. He asked me to bring one shepherd couple along with me who can share their house church ministry experience with them. Joe and Mia Yoo will go with ...

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