The end of the year is coming, so I want to inform you about the three chord morning prayer.  We normally start the three chord morning prayer from the first Wednesday after the New Year.  In the coming year, that day is January 3rd and I was concerned that it may be too soon after New Year’s day.  Therefore, we are planning to start from January 10th which is the second Wednesday of the month. Two years ago, the book chosen was “The Resolution for Men”.  At that time, I promised to pick a book for women later, so this time a book titled “Woman, your mission ...

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I noticed that there are many who accepted Jesus but did not get baptized, so I want to talk to you about baptism.  Accepting Jesus and baptism is not two but one activity.  Jesus said that ‘no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.’  (John 3:5)  Apostles baptized people when they accepted Jesus as their savior.  (Act 2:41) Accepting Jesus means accepting Jesus as the Lord and savior.  Therefore, accepting Jesus not only means salvation, but also repenting the old way of life and making a decision to live according to ...

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Some stopped coming to house church often say that they feel their time is wasted.  They do not feel that they gain any through sharing and they feel it is wast of time and therefore, they do not want to come.  They are busy and need to spend time with children, so they do not have time for house church.  This line of thinking comes from the lack of understanding of the value of house church. If they do not come to house church, what will they do during that time?  They can go out for a drive or eat out as a family but that is not that often.  The time is most ...

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Some of you may have seen it, but there is someone who posts calumny against me in the church website or website of House Church Ministries International (HCMI).  The writer writes his name as ‘Truth’ and claims that I deliberately broke the church audio system and as the new system was installed, I received a huge rebate (last year, it said that the contractor received the rebate but then recently the recipient was changed to me.), that I received a kickback from the purchase of the land in Katy, that I stole a church contribution from the 3rd service before I became ...

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As of August of this year, it has been 5 years since I started serving as a Senior Pastor and now it is the 6th year.  According to SBC constitution, there is a vote for reappointment for Sr. Pastor at the end of his 6th year.  If 2/3 of voting executed by registered church members is for the reappointment, Sr. Pastor will have a Sabbatical year and serve for another 6 years. This reappointment voting will recur every 7 years like this.  The sabbatical year can be for one year or a part of a year depends on the preference of the pastor.  Please refer to the church ...

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One of the important concepts Christianity follows is stewardship.  All we have is not ours but they belong to God who entrusted them to us for a time being (1 Peter 4:10).  Therefore, my talents, materials I own, or my time are God’s and it is the best to be used according to His purpose. This important concept of stewardship applies to children that my children are not mine but God’s.  God called us and entrusted them to us, ‘Would you keep my children for a while and raise them?’ Therefore, we should do our best in raising them, but we should not force our ...

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When I first encountered Christianity, I could not quite understand the concept of trinity.  One God in three persons sounded to me at that time like an elaborate theory rather than something plausible.  In addition, it hindered me from having faith by making me think that other theories in Christianity could follow the same suite.  However, after I became a believer, the trinity is the element that made my faith stronger as time goes by. Of course, I am still not sure of the proposition of ‘One God in three persons’ or how it is possible.  I only know that it ...

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