How Guest Speakers Are Chosen

We are in the midst of our annual revival meetings. Our guest speaker this year is Pastor Thomas Park of Sacramento Ark Mission Church. Many people have complimented us for inviting good guest speakers every year. If this is true, it might be because we have good criteria. I don't necessarily invite speakers who have reputations of being good preachers. Anyone with a keen understanding of human psychology who enjoys talking can develop a reputation for being a good preacher by honing his preaching techniques. I don't necessarily invite pastors of big churches either, ...

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Not Because It’s Sin

A shepherd came to me and lamented that someone he had been trying to witness to refused his invitation to come to house church meetings. He said that the person jeered and said, "You brag about your church but I saw a shepherd from your church at a bar." Alarmed, I asked Brother Kwon to investigate. He found that it was not a current shepherd but one who had resigned from his position. The person also promised to not visit bars in the future. Drinking beer or wine is not a sin. But I believe that our members are mature enough to understand that whether or not something ...

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How Our Church Members Are Viewed

It is our church's policy that people who are already believers may not join our church. This stems from our commitment to focusing on leading non-believers to the Lord. But it is impossible to impose this policy strictly. Some people who come to live in Houston for a year or two plead that their pastors in Korea asked them to learn more about the house church by joining our church. Others insist that they should be allowed to join our church so that their non-believing spouses have a better chance of becoming Christians. Some simply continue to attend house church ...

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House Church: New Life’s Foundational Ministry! (2)

What Is House Church? House church is a community that is made up of 6-12 people led by a lay shepherd that meets at least once a week at members' homes in order to fulfill the mission Christ has given to His church. This house church exists in conjunction with the larger gathering of believers for the purpose of receiving God's Word from pastors, experiencing God's majesty through corporate worship, providing Christian education for adults and children and fulfilling God's mission for the world through combined resources. Christ's church is made up of both house ...

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My House Is God’s House

We just wrapped up a House Church Seminar for Pastors. Attendees stayed at our members' houses during the seminar. When we assigned participants to our church members we didn't ask if they were willing to provide lodging. We just informed them which two participants would stay at their houses, assuming that a member of each house church would provide lodging unless they had serious, legitimate reasons not to. We did this because their houses belong to God and they are just stewards. Juan Carlos Ortiz writes about true stewardship in his book "Disciples". He was a pastor ...

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House Church: New Life’s Foundational Ministry! (1)

Why do we do it? When I was studying in graduate school (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) I spent much time thinking about how I as a future pastor should build a church that is healthy and pleasing to God. I wouldn't have pondered so earnestly if churches then, as a norm, were God-honoring, being the church that God wants them to be. I would have had plenty of examples to follow after. It would have almost been like second nature to me since I would have grown up and experienced a healthy biblical church myself. But the reality was far from it. Most churches ...

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The Most Pleasant Sound In The World

What do you think is the most pleasant sound in the world? I think that it's the sound of laughter. As you might know, my wife is prim and proper. When Danny and Christine were small children, she was a quiet disciplinarian mother. But things changed after our granddaughter was born; she turned into a clown. She makes funny faces or moves her body in uncoordinated ways just to get Ellie to laugh. When she succeeds and Ellie bursts into laughter she seems the happiest woman in the world. I often heard the pleasing sound of laughter during our Three-Strand Prayer meetin...

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