The Most Pleasant Sound In The World

What do you think is the most pleasant sound in the world? I think that it’s the sound of laughter.

As you might know, my wife is prim and proper. When Danny and Christine were small children, she was a quiet disciplinarian mother. But things changed after our granddaughter was born; she turned into a clown. She makes funny faces or moves her body in uncoordinated ways just to get Ellie to laugh. When she succeeds and Ellie bursts into laughter she seems the happiest woman in the world.

I often heard the pleasing sound of laughter during our Three-Strand Prayer meetings. I continued to pray in the sanctuary after the meetings were over and sometimes I heard people who lingered a while and chatted. Their chats were sprinkled with giggles and laughter. I could not help but smile and pray, “Father, help them to keep on laughing throughout their lives.”

The Library Ministry Team made such laughter possible. They volunteered to buy doughnuts and coffee out of their own pocket for people who came to the prayer meetings. It was not just the fragrance of coffee but their love they drank which made people laugh.

The average attendance of the Three-Strand Prayer meetings that ended yesterday was 395. That is 25 more than the last year’s average. 441 people attended the final prayer meeting. 59 prayer teams, each consisting of 3 partners, did not miss a single day of the 10-day early dawn prayer meetings. They were awarded a meal coupon for three at a local restaurant. If we count people who did not win the prize because one of their partners missed one or two meetings, the number of people with perfect attendance would be much higher.

I saw many unexpected people during the prayer meetings. Some had never before attended the early dawn prayer meetings that start at 5:15. Some of the people with perfect attendance were new Christians, and some had not even accepted Christ yet. God may smile and say to the latter group, “I will answer your prayer. But accepting Christ is first thing.”

“I saw many people happier and peppier as the result of the Three-Strand Prayer meetings. I want to thank you for providing and leading these meetings.” Someone left this note on my desk with a small box of chocolates as a gift. I hope our members’ hearts and our church buildings are always filled with laughter as a result of the Three-Strand Prayer meetings. Such laughter would make God happy, just as Ellie’s laughter makes her grandmother happy.

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