It's been said that monkeys dislike humans the most because humans look most like them. People who have major issues with their leaders are often those who either have a very strong personality and conviction or see in the leaders the same traits that they have and struggle with. Often, it is because of our competitive and prideful spirit or the uneasiness of seeing the reflection of our own unwanted image through the leaders that we have a hard time liking and following the leaders.
Every once in a while, I hear from people that so and so said that I am like a dictat...
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Related to the last week’s column, this time, I want to consider some claims of the supporters of same-sex marriage. They often say that homosexuality should be accepted since it is how one is born. However, the logic is flawed. It seems that we all born with a certain specific weakness. Some are weak to drugs, some have weakness towards gambling, some are very susceptible to sexual temptation and easily fall into sexual sins. It is hard to believe, but some find pleasure in destroying lives.
It is difficult to know whether such tendency is hereditary or ...
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Our shepherds' wives meet once every two months to fellowship, praise, share and pray with one another. My wife facilitates the meeting. She always says great things about the meeting when she comes home.
All the shepherds at New Life are men. They don't need to be. In the Bible, we see some women house church leaders in the early church such as Lydia and Priscilla. My personal biblical conviction is that, other than the senior pastor who needs to be a man, all the ministries can be done by both men and women. New Life used to have women shepherds several years ago ...
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My mother passed away January 2008 in Chicago where my oldest sister and her family live. We had the most beautiful funeral service at a Salvation Army Corps (church) building where my sister and her husband serve as captains (pastors). As I was standing outside the sanctuary to greet the guests who were coming for the funeral service, I was shocked and amazed to see one particular woman walking in. She was my fourth grade classmate and used to live right next to my house. She didn't seem to have changed a bit. I immediately called out her name to greet her and thank her ...
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On June 26, Supreme Court made a decision that same-sex marriage is legal nationwide. Prior to this ruling, same-sex marriages were permitted in 37 states and in 13 states it was illegal. With this ruling, same-sex couples can enjoy a host of benefits supported by the federal government such as wealth sharing, inheritance, and adoption, etc. Since Obama government declared that they would support legalization of same-sex marriage, it was expected that it might happen, but it seems that it happened earlier than expected.
The definition of marriage is no longer a union of ...
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I have had shingles for the past few weeks. It's been pretty painful. You can read about it on WebMD or Mayo Clinic. Shingles is not contagious to those who have had chicken pox or received chicken pox vaccine. There is no cure for this. It has to run its course. The most you can do is to take some medicine or apply cream to shorten the duration of the virus or relieve the pain temporarily.
One doctor from New Life prescribed the cream for me because I asked him for one. When I went to the pharmacy to pick it up, I was told that it is $45 even with my insurance. I left ...
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My youngest son, Josiah, graduated from high school last Sunday. I don't know why schools have graduation ceremonies on Sundays these days or when this all started. For some reason, it doesn't sit well with me.
Last Sunday was Pulpit Exchange Sunday with our Korean speaking congregation. They have three worship services. The third one begins at 2:30pm and ends at about 4:15pm. So, I was able to make it to the graduation after preaching three times since it began at 7pm.
Once again, I didn't get to sit in one of those seats where the family members of the top ten ...
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