Inspire! Women's vision is to create a united sisterhood across ethnicities and denominations, inspired, trained, and mobilized for maximum missions and service. I was drawn to Inspire! Women, because I experienced first hand how they were living out their vision. Last November, I went to a conference held by Inspire! Women, and I got inspired. At the conference, I signed up for a free five-week discipleship training class taught by Anita Carman, the president and founder of Inspire! Women, and through the class I applied for their Gideon's 300 Program, which mobilizes 300 women in the city to mentor, train, and send into the community for God. ...
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I remember a time, more than five years ago, several members of New Life, including myself, gathered together in the trailer house and began to pray for revival. Pastor Eric shared with us his vision of God pouring down an unimaginable amount of blessing onto New Life Fellowship, but those blessings were caught by a "sheet" held above our heads at its four corners. In the vision, as we prayed more and more, the blessings showered down more and more, and that sheet became heavier and heavier, ready to burst open. Now, five years later, that vision is coming to life, and I believe that sheet is bursting open right before our very own eyes! Let's get ...
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I wrote this issue of "From the Pastor's Desk" for several New Life single women who have come up to me and asked me, "Pastor Eric, how do I know that he is from God and is the right one for me?"
Ten questions to ask a man who approaches you and tells you, "You are the One!":
1. Are you willing to fast and pray for 40 days to seek God's will before you pursue this relationship?
Of course we are not talking about fasting three meals a day for 40 days but one consistent meal each day whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner. However, it will be important that this meal be a consistent and set one for 40 days instead of changing it from breakfast to ...
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It truly is amazing to see the zeal and passion for missions and evangelism in New Life these days! People are steadily coming to know Christ through our house church ministry and other special events, and once again, more than fifty of us have either gone on or will be going on short-term mission trips this year. All of you are doing a great job of praying for and reaching out to your unbelieving friends so they could come to know Christ and begin their personal relationship with him. And you have also given very generously to fund and support all our short-term mission trips this year. I am so very glad that New Life is able to support about ...
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Besides preaching God's word and praying for New Life, my responsibility as a pastor is to equip you so you could become mature followers of Christ, serving at the right places of ministry. To do this, I often help you discover your spiritual gifts, provide ways to develop them, and then deploy you in the right places of ministry where you can fully express who God made you to be.
I have known Jennifer Griffin for the past several years and have noticed that God has gifted her with the ability to express herself through writing. I have encouraged her to pursue it more wholeheartedly to honor God and also to build up the body of Christ.
Last ...
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I don't exactly remember the date, but about two and a half years ago, many of you pitched in and gave me and my family a little more than $7,000 for us to buy a car. My wife and I felt extremely thankful, and quite frankly we didn't know what to do with the money. Since we both thought that it wasn't the right time for us to buy a car, we decided to put the money in our savings account and just wait.
Lately, I have noticed that my wife's car, which is an '89 Honda Accord, is getting pretty old, and I didn't feel comfortable anymore about her driving it with our kids inside. So, we decided to buy another used minivan in the price range of ...
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In the earlier years of New Life there weren't much structure, system or policies. We began the church with just about 25-30 people, and anyone who had a warm body was encouraged to serve in New Life. And I am grateful for everyone who stepped up when the church was young and small and did all kinds of unglamorous ministries. New Life wouldn't be where it is right now without all those unsung heroes' sacrificial service.
Now, the church has grown to be more than 300 people, including our children. It's not a small church anymore considering the fact that an average size church in America has about 70 to 80 members. This calls for a better...
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