Ministry Evaluations

We will soon be implementing evaluations for church leaders.

Our church is doing well. People are being saved; we are averaging between two and three baptisms every week. There have been many stories of lives being changed. The worship services have been meaningful to people. Even some who have never before visited a Christian church say this. The children’s department is doing well also. Many nonbelievers come to our church because their children like Sunday School so much.

Our church is doing well, but I fear that this may make us complacent. So I have decided to receive evaluations from people who work closely with me. This will give them a chance to say something about my ministry that they can’t say in person. The other staff members will receive evaluations as well. This will be done once every one or two years.

My evaluations will be done by staff members and deacons. Staff members’ evaluations will be done by other staff members, Sunday School teachers, and key parents. They will all be anonymous so that the evaluations are honest. I will sit down with each staff member, look at their evaluation results with them, and discuss how to do ministry more effectively.

The questionnaire has three questions:

1. The purpose of the church is to save souls and make disciples. In light of this purpose, how do you rate this person’s ministry: 4 (very good), 3 (good), 2 (adequate), 1 (poor)?
2. In light of the purpose of the church, what are 3 of this person’s strengths?
3. In light of the purpose of the church, what are 2 areas this person could improve on?

The reason I note the purpose of church is because I want the evaluations to be based on an objective standard, not personal likes or dislikes.

House church shepherds will also have evaluations, but they will be self-evaluations. There are 4 questions:

1. The purpose of the church is to save souls and make disciples. In light of this purpose, how do you rate your ministry: 4 (very good), 3 (good), 2 (adequate), 1 (poor)?
2. Explain your score above.
3. What are some ways you can improve your ministry?
4. What are some ways our church can help you become a better shepherd?

The first three questions are designed to help shepherds reflect on their ministries. The last one is meant to help me find ways to support them.

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