Nursing Rooms, Fellowship Hall & Worship Time

As we are getting used to and enjoying our new facility, I am hearing from you and also noticing things on my own that require some explanation and need all of your cooperation. We can’t meet all needs, but we will do the best we can to serve you.

In regards to nursing rooms
I would like to inform you that both the Prayer Room (Room #110) near the end of the long hall way between the Sanctuary and the Staff Offices and the Multipurpose Room (Room #202), which is being used for Sunday Morning Intercessory Prayer Meeting before worship, are available for nursing during worship since there should be no one there at that time. The Prayer Room will eventually have one nice comfortable chair and another regular chair. The Multipurpose Room, due to the nature of ministries that will take place there, will just have blue chairs we used to use for worship in the gym, but they are pretty comfortable nonetheless.

Please understand that these rooms are designed and designated for specific purposes. I would like to make the Prayer Room available for anyone who would like to spend quiet time praying to God all throughout the week during office hours and also before and after worship on Sunday. Whenever they are not being used nursing moms will be able to use them even before or after worship.

We will not put any type of curtain or tape to cover up the small glass windows of the doors of these two rooms, but there will be “In Use / Available” signs on the doors that you could use to let people know that you are inside praying or nursing your child. Please do not turn off the light or lock the door when you are using the room to nurse your child because some other moms might need to come in and use it also. You should be able to sit facing the wall and feed your baby without any problem. I have seen moms nursing their babies even in public areas such as shopping malls sitting on wooden benches with capes.

In regards to Fellowship Hall and Worship Time
Please feel free to use the Fellowship Hall before and after worship to mingle and fellowship with one another. However, please make your way into the Sanctuary before worship begins to prepare your hearts and also to honor God. We will put a count down on the screen in the Fellowship Hall to remind you how many minutes you have till worship starts. As was our practice in the gym, we will momentarily close the Sanctuary entrance doors when the Opening Prayer is taking place.

I also found out last Sunday that the service taking place in the Sanctuary was played simultaneously on the Fellowship Hall screen. We will not do this any longer until the Sanctuary gets jammed packed and we have to use the Fellowship Hall as an overflow room!

Moms with small infants are more than welcome to come in to the Sanctuary during the message time. Even if they cry here and there I want you to know that it is fine with me because Jesus also welcomed little children and wasn’t bothered by them. Our JCS would like to encourage you to begin dropping off your child when he/she turns about three months so you can worship in a more focused way. When you yourselves are nurtured in the Lord you can minister to your baby better as godly parents.

If your house churches are providing refreshments for the day, please come early to prepare everything before worship begins and come into the Sanctuary to worship and listen to the message. You can leave during the offering time to be ready to serve.

Please continue to ask or let the church leadership know different needs that arise. We will do our best to take care of them as quickly as possible.

Thanks again for your great partnership in building God’s church together!

Your pastor,


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