From the Pastor’s Desk (230)
Last year, we started out with an emphasis on managing our financial resources well before God. So, we had T90B exercise which stands for “Tithing for 90 days is basic.” I think many of us have done a great job with this.
This year, I sense that we must work on our prayer life. The ultimate mission of all God’s churches is to save the lost and make them disciples of Christ. The task of saving people can’t be done without God’s supernatural power. The same goes for the task of changing people to be more like Christ. This means, ...
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After From the Pastor’s Desk #228, under the title, “Serving alcohol during your wedding reception,” came out, I have received mixed responses. Some liked and appreciated it, others not as much. It was expected. But I also sense that there is some confusion among us. What’s obvious in my head, at times, is not so obvious to others. For example, the answers to questions like “Does this apply to everyone? What if the wedding takes place outside of the United States where having wine and beer is just part of their everyday life? What if the bride and the groom are ...
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Many of you know where I stand in terms of alcohol. When I was young in faith, Christianity and alcohol didn’t mix together. I was taught that way from early on and I have never seen anyone enjoying alcohol with maturity and responsibility the way Christ would have done. I only saw people abusing alcohol who drank to get drunk. The ability to drink a lot and not get drunk was seen as male prowess. This is the culture that I grew up in.
When we began New Life in 1997, my stance in regards to alcohol was the same because I saw men at New Life during that time not ...
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It’s been a little more than a year since Pastor Jabez has become our youth pastor. As a person who works closely with him and sees what he does on a daily basis, it is quite impressive how much he’s been able to accomplish in such a short period of time. Externally, he has done a lot to renovate and improve our youth facility which includes the upgraded sound, lighting and multimedia system, the new chairs, the fresh paint, the new carpet, and the new floor.
Internally, he and all the volunteers have spent a lot of time looking into what has been done well and what ...
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I want to announce that there will be changes in youth house church and youth Sunday worship time. Presently, youth house church is made up of middle school and high school students, but we are going to separate these two groups. Under the current system, high schoolers have difficulty sharing because of the presence of young middle school students. Also, it is not the right environment to invite friends and because of the burden of caring for younger kids, students have tendency of avoiding to serve as a shepherd.
Also, there is a problem for middle schoolers to ...
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We will need to look for our next children’s pastor because Pastor Chae’s last day with us will be July 30. I would like for us to find our new children’s pastor together. How?
Our desired goal to find the children’s pastor is by the end of this year if not beginning of next year. In the meantime, Eugene Byon will serve as an interim ministry coordinator until we find the person.
Also, we will create an Advisory Committee who will participate in the interviewing process of our potential candidates. This committee will be made up of 5 to 7 people consisting of ...
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Pastor Chae, our children’s ministry director/pastor for the past nine years, will be transitioning out from children’s ministry by the end of July after this year’s VBS. He will also move on from New Life to do what God seems to be leading him to do at this point in his life. He has done a great job in modeling and teaching God’s word to our children and also equipping the parents to raise their children well in the Lord. Though we are happy and excited for him and Suemy for the next assignment that God has in store for them, we are also sad to realize that we ...
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