Internship Procedure for Pastors Became Official

Some of you may have read the director’s corner on the home page of House Church Ministries International.  In the column, Reverend Chai talked about the internship procedure for house church ministry.  When a seminary student, a pastor or a missionary wants to experience the house church system, we will actively help them while they are in SBC so that when they are ready to start their ministry work, they will be prepared and armed with knowledge and experience of house church system. The only prerequisite of this internship is attendance of house church seminar. ...

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A woman who finished her life well

I didn't get a permission to write about her. I trust it is okay. If not, I deeply apologize to her family. It is about Joyce Kim's mother who passed away last Sunday. Joyce came to New Life a few years ago from another church in Houston where there was basically no English speaking ministry. When she joined us, she served faithfully in our youth group, invited her friends persistently to her house church and helped them to be saved by bringing them to Receiving Jesus Meeting. During the brief time I got to know her, I sensed that there was a deep respect and appreciation ...

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The Biggest House Church Seminar So Far

Let's pray for the upcoming House Church Seminar for Lay Leaders which will be from October 9 to 11. We initially planned to host 30 participants. However, more than 30 church leaders went through the registration process in less than two weeks since we opened up the online registration. Therefore, we felt the need to receive more participants than we originally anticipated. Now, we have 46 church leaders who will be coming to this year's lay leaders' seminar. This is the biggest number so far. But I pray that the number will continue to grow so that we can help and serve ...

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How to Change a Bad Habit

It is said that faith is a struggle with habit.  We all have our own undesirable habit.  Since it is so difficult to overcome it, sometimes spiritual growth is hindered because of that.  This kind of habit tends to be deep rooted and almost becomes part of ourselves.  Sometime, we think that we conquer it, but then it comes back.  After several of these experiences, we become discouraged and can even lose interest in walk of faith. Charles Duhigg, a non-Christian, wrote a book titled ‘The Power of Habit’.  This book provides some guidance to overcome habit. ...

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Two Good Pastors Who Are Doing Unfulfilling Ministries

After the House Church Conference in Chicago, I spent some time with two good pastors who are not part of house church ministry network. I have known one of them for many years and the other one I just met through the first one. They are both very humble and down to earth. They both preach very well with good content and delivery. They have good relationships with most of their congregation members. Their wives are also very appreciated by their members because they are both committed to church ministry and serve faithfully and sacrificially without becoming a stumbling ...

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Do Not Seek “Fancy” Sermons to Feed Your Spirituality

I used to get stressed when I was looking for the “Perfect” speaker for a revival.  As your pastor who is responsible for your spiritual growth, I believe that finding just the right speaker for the congregation is crucial.  Since SBC has only two revivals per year, it was my sincere desire to invite a “great” speaker who could feed SBC as they had never experienced before. This desire led me to “famed” speakers.  However, I realized that it is not easy to find a speaker who is aligned with the spirit of house church among those speakers.   When I heard ...

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Four Blessings of This Year’s Revival

With today's Sunday corporate worship service, this year's revival meeting will come to an end. As I reflect on the revival, four blessings are coming to my mind. First is servant-leadership. In order to make this revival meeting come to fruition even as an event, not a small number of people had to serve starting from several months prior to this weekend. This event falls under our Maturity Team. Therefore, the team members met, prayed and prepared well before the event and when the revival meeting began, they superbly executed every little detail so that things will ...

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