Some pastors do not enjoy their ministries. This usually happens when they're running maintenance ministries rather than purpose-driven ministries. Maintenance ministry solely focuses on church activities, such as worship services, prayer meetings, Bible studies, visitations, and church administration, without having a clear overall purpose.
Maintenance ministry is hard; as hard as trying to keep balance on a bicycle without pedaling. If you try hard enough, you might avoid falling for a while, but if you lose your concentration, you will immediately tip over. But if you start pedaling and moving forward, you don't need to worry about falling. ...
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We have exceptionally dedicated House Church Leaders. I cannot even begin to describe their level of devotion.
But we also have exceptionally cooperative house church members. I realize that I occasionally express my gratitude toward the House Church Leaders and their wives, but rarely thank house church members. So I want to do that in this column.
Our church members are mostly new Christians who became believers through our house church ministry. So when the time comes for house churches to multiply, we are sometimes forced to appoint as leader someone who is not fully equipped for the ministry. I want to thank our house church members in these ...
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I am glad that some people have started to speak in tongues at our church. People receive the gift while praying alone or in groups. Some received the gift during the most recent Special Early-morning Prayer Meetings. As a pastor who values non-eccentric, "natural" spirituality, it is gratifying to see such gifts spread among the congregation quietly and naturally.
According to Scripture, there are two varieties of speaking in tongues. One involves speaking in a foreign language unknown to the speaker (Acts 2:1-6). The other involves speaking in a prayer language that is not really a language (1 Cor. 14:14-15).
Speaking in tongues is the least among ...
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Church members frequently suggest that our church buy a large cemetery plot. They list many advantages of doing so. "If our church buys a large lot and resells them in pieces, our members can get a plot at a reduced price." "If church-wide burial grounds are available, members don't have to pay a higher price when a family member dies suddenly and they are forced to buy a plot immediately." "It would be nice for church members to be buried side by side when they die."
I am personally opposed to the idea.
I don't feel that it's right to buy burial grounds with church funds that can be better used for ministries. To begin with, I personally don't ...
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Today is my last day as Acting Senior Pastor, a role I began on July 1st. Starting with the New Year's Eve Worship Service, Pastor Chai will resume his work. How do I feel? At ease. Well, the most immediate feeling is that time goes by so fast. I lived one day at a time, doing things I needed to do, and six months passed by very quickly. I feel that if we do not set our goals properly and live with our heads securely on our shoulders, our lives can pass by like a dream.
Thanks to Pastor Chai, I have had many memorable experiences during the past six months. I experienced all kinds of worship services including seasonal services. I led four funerals ...
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Last Saturday (December 16) we had a Christmas concert where a piano, violin, and cello trio performed classical music, gospel, and Christmas carols. For those who do not have the time or the opportunity to see performances elsewhere, or for those who are not familiar enough with it to understand and enjoy it with their children, this was a wonderful opportunity for our congregation to be exposed to classical music. Although it was only a trio, the performers were outstanding, and they played familiar tunes. I regretted the low turnout and wished more people could have enjoyed it.
I am not an expert on classical music, but I like it very much, so ...
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For the past several years, our church had not initiated a specific church-wide giving program for the Christmas Season, but have encouraged every individual to ask themselves "Who is my Jesus?" and seek out their own neighbors in need. It will be the same this year. For those of you who are new to our church, this was inspired by a story our Children's Pastor Hyung Soon Seo told in a sermon a few years ago: A shoemaker who longed to meet Jesus dreamed one night that Jesus came and said to him, "I will come to you today." Although the shoemaker prepared hot tea and bread and waited for Him, Jesus did not come. Instead, a beggar came to him, so he ...
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