39 results for author: Pastor Tae Pae

Long-Term Missions

Our focus for the long-term team in Thailand is to start the House Church. We will build one House Church at a time and hope to have several by the end of the fourth year. Once we have enough House Churches, we will gather on a Sunday to celebrate together once a month, and then progress to meet every Sunday to establish a NLF Church. In order to accomplish our task, we hope to establish a partnership with the OMF as the One-Year Thailand Team had recommended. I was able to meet with the OMF Thailand Director and shared with him our focus and vision, and he was very excited about our plan. I will be developing our partnership with the OMF this ...

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Playground vs. Battleground

I do believe some parents do live out their unfulfilled childhood dreams through their children. My childhood dream was to be a Kung Fu fighter, but I was never able to fulfill that dream; so, now I am living that dream out through my son. Hudson, started Tae Kwon Do last week, and I was more excited than Hudson. I took him to the Tae Kwon Do class, and we met the master and got a free uniform. Hudson couldn’t wait to put on the uniform at home and act like a great fighter. I immediately started to stretch his legs and told him that he needed to be able to do a split in order to kick above his head. We were excited, and we couldn’t wait for the ...

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The Valley of Vision

Last few weeks, I have been experiencing God’s closeness and His voice speaking gently to my soul. I felt depressed, lonely, lost, and sad because of the hardships my dad was facing. I see my dad in his old age having nothing. He once had a single home, but my oldest brother sold it to get a bigger house to live together. However, due to an unfortunate business investment, my oldest brother lost everything. My dad had to move from an apartment to an apartment because he has no place of his own. He doesn’t have 401K plan or any bank accounts. In the eyes of the world, he owns nothing. I was so sad to see my dad live in such a circumstance, ...

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Love Your Enemies

Luke 6:27-36 One of the most distinguishing characters of our Lord is His uncompromising love for His enemies. He refused to hate, exclude, defame, or ruin His own enemies. I believe Jesus came to redefine the meaning of love for His followers. In our modern days, however, we the followers of Christ believe in the concept of loving our enemies but have difficulty living it out. At the Renovare Conference last week, Dallas Willard said, “You don’t have to go too far to find your enemies, because they are in your Church.” I shared this with someone in New Life, and he said, “Why Church when you can find enemies in your own House Church.” ...

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Endure Hardship as Discipline: Hebrews 12:5-11

I believe God is training us to be a brighter reflection of His glory through hardship. However, in reality we despise God disciplining us because we fail to see the hand of God in the hardships we face. Often, we refuse to acknowledge that hardships have any good outcome or benefits for our spiritual growth. Thus, we live to avoid hardship, but when faced with an unavoidable hardship we try to pass through it by questioning God’s intentions. All hardships has a disciplinary purpose in the life of believers, and pain is never wasted without a purpose. The difficulty lies in our lack of comprehending the connection between hardship and God’s ...

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Spiritual Appetite

What is flowing through your soul, living water or natural sewage? What is most alive deep within you? To my amazement, I see many believers having achieved their career success, financial stability, and a loving family but still feel empty and disappointed with what they have accomplished. I believe the awareness of emptiness comes from the realization of losing the spiritual appetite along the way. In reality, what we want to accomplish for the kingdom of God is easily lost by what we want to possess and not by what needs to possess us. My children are already counting down the months to their birthdays. Their excitement does not lie in their ...

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Holy Spirit Filled Love

We don’t seem to love others to the fullest measure the Bible commands us to love others (John 15:13-14). I have wondered, since God has poured out His love into our hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit, then there should be no lack of love for others in our hearts (Rom. 5:5). Often, our expression of love towards others lack emotion because it is done for the sake of duty. This is true toward our love for God because often we worship and serve out of duty and not out of love for Him. In our walk with God, we assume that as long as we do our daily devotions and pray we deserve to receive blessings from God. This can become a habitual syndrome ...

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