From the Pastor’s Desk (230)
Last year, we started out with an emphasis on managing our financial resources well before God. So, we had T90B exercise which stands for “Tithing for 90 days is basic.” I think many of us have done a great job with this.
This year, I sense that we must work on our prayer life. The ultimate mission of all God’s churches is to save the lost and make them disciples of Christ. The task of saving people can’t be done without God’s supernatural power. The same goes for the task of changing people to be more like Christ. This means, ...
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Dear Parents,
Do you think it was just by chance that Caesar Augustus called for a census? Did it just so happen that Mary and Joseph were traveling to Bethlehem—the very place the Messiah was prophesied to be born? (Micah 5:2) God is in control of all things, which He showed by using a pagan emperor to bring about His plan.
After Jesus was born, Mary laid Him in a manger. A king in a manger! It was so unlikely. But Jesus was no ordinary baby. He was God’s Son, sent in the most humble of positions, “not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life—a ...
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After From the Pastor’s Desk #228, under the title, “Serving alcohol during your wedding reception,” came out, I have received mixed responses. Some liked and appreciated it, others not as much. It was expected. But I also sense that there is some confusion among us. What’s obvious in my head, at times, is not so obvious to others. For example, the answers to questions like “Does this apply to everyone? What if the wedding takes place outside of the United States where having wine and beer is just part of their everyday life? What if the bride and the groom are ...
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Dear Parents,
People had been waiting a long time for Jesus. God hinted at His coming in the garden of Eden when He promised a seed to conquer the serpent. (Gen. 3:15) The prophets told of His coming hundreds of years before His birth. God was working out His plan to bring His people back to Himself.
In the Bible, God sometimes used angels to communicate His message to people. Angels spoke to Abraham in Genesis 18. The Angel of the Lord spoke to Balaam in Numbers 22. Now Mary and Joseph, the earthly parents of Jesus, each received a special visit from an angel to ...
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Dear Parents,
With the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, Jesus’ disciples were empowered to carrying out Jesus’ mission for them—to take the gospel to all the nations. More and more people believed in Jesus. They met together at the temple to praise and worship God, and the first church began.
One afternoon, two of Jesus’ disciples—Peter and John—went to the temple to pray. They encountered at the gate a man who could not walk. Rather than give the man money, Peter gave him something much more valuable: immediate physical healing in Jesus’ ...
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Many of you know where I stand in terms of alcohol. When I was young in faith, Christianity and alcohol didn’t mix together. I was taught that way from early on and I have never seen anyone enjoying alcohol with maturity and responsibility the way Christ would have done. I only saw people abusing alcohol who drank to get drunk. The ability to drink a lot and not get drunk was seen as male prowess. This is the culture that I grew up in.
When we began New Life in 1997, my stance in regards to alcohol was the same because I saw men at New Life during that time not ...
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Dear Parents,
When Jesus ascended to heaven, He instructed the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would come upon them. So the disciples went back to Jerusalem, where they waited and prayed.
The time came for the Jewish festival called Pentecost, or the Feast of Weeks. As with the Passover festival, Jews from all over the Roman Empire would be at the temple in Jerusalem.
During this festival, the Holy Spirit came to believers in Jerusalem. They heard a sound like a violent, rushing wind. When the Holy Spirit filled the ...
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