The most popular phrase among Koreans these days is "well-being". Every magazine is filled with articles about well-being. When I was young, Korea was so poor that the primary concern was simply survival. Now Korea has become so prosperous that mere living is not enough; well-being has become important.
Well-being is an eclectic word. But for most people it seems to mean a physically healthy life. Most articles on this issue deal with physical health.
Sometimes I wonder why people are so crazy about health. I saw an interview on TV with a bodybuilding champion, and the ...
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Our Building Committee has been meeting diligently the past several months to interact with three design-build firms for the purpose of receiving their master plans and construction cost estimates so they could use them to compare and choose the best one that New Life would work with in building our future facilities. The criteria that the committee has used in selecting the firm are as follows:
1. Will the firm help us build the facilities that are simple and functional yet inspiring?
2. Will the firm help us build the facilities that are not just economical to build ...
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A major contributing factor to the recently increased divorce rate is cited as personality differences. One way to test personality is the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI). I took the test in seminary. A very readable and helpful book, called "Do We Love Each Other, Or Hate Each Other?" takes the personality types categorized by this test and looks at their relation to marital conflicts - what causes and them and the remedies for them.
The MBTI lists measures personality in four areas. They are Introversion vs. Extroversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, ...
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It's been more than 10 years since I came to Seoul Baptist Church and exactly seven and a half years since we began New Life Fellowship. Times have passed by very quickly. I will be 41 years old this June and I sense that our time on this earth is short and fleeting. James 4: 14 comes to my mind often these days.
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." (James 4: 14)
Since our earthly life is brief and momentary I feel more compelled to live my life in such a way that ...
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I dislike two things: seeing people dozing during the sermon and seeing people enter the sanctuary after the service has started.
There are two reasons why I dislike it when people sleep during the sermon. First, I feel like they're sending me a message that my sermon is so boring that they can't remain awake. The truth may be that they're just physically too tired, but that's the impression I get. Second, it makes them look lazy. When someone sleeps while the people around them are awake and working, they seem lazy. So when someone sleeps during the sermon while others ...
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At our Wednesday evening prayer services, house churches take turns giving presentations. This includes the testimony of one of their members. At a recent service, one of our newer church members mentioned an incident involving me at the end of his testimony.
He was taking our introductory Bible class, The New Life, and was in charge of the class roll call. Class members drop their name tags into a box at the end of class and he checked attendance by looking at the box. One day, there was a slip up and the name tags of those who came to class that day were mixed up with ...
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We're currently seeking volunteers to be 333 Prayer Partners. They pray for 33 seconds three times a day for our church and their pastor. The 333 prayer request for 2005 is: let there be many house churches settled all over the world, and grant our pastor a gentle heart. I have mentioned the first part of the request in recent columns, so let me now explain the second.
I believe that a Christian minister should hate no one. He is in charge of the body of Christ, and Christ commanded us to love our neighbor as ourselves. For him to hate someone would be contrary to the ...
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