Sometimes organizations suffer by requiring not so important qualities from their leaders.
During the Lee Dynasty era, typical leaders excelled in memorization and writing skills. The National Selection Test required in order to become a leader mainly concentrated on these two skills. As a result it produced many geeky scholars as national leaders.
In America, witty people seem to become national leaders. During the presidential debate, a candidate’s witty and clever responses influence their popularity and even win him the election. Unfortunately, a person of lower moral standards can become elected president as a result.
What about the churches? In most churches, a person who has attended for a long time, has financial power, or has social status become church leaders. These people are often nominated by the pastors and selected by the congregation. But these are not the qualities that God requires. God wants servants.
Jesus’ earthly purpose was to serve. “Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Matt 20:28)” He commanded his disciples to serve. “And whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all (Mark 10:44)”
Many churches are weakened because they selected their leaders based on wrong standards. I think the reason our church is healthy is because we select our leaders based on God’s standards.
At our church, one cannot become a leader, no matter, how much bible knowledge, social status, or financial power, without first knowing how to serve. One must first be a shepherd before becoming a deacon. But only a servant gets to become a shepherd because cell group members will not elect as their leader someone who is not a servant. Therefore, one who serves more than others becomes a shepherd, and a shepherd who serves more than others becomes a deacon.
This is the secret for our church’s health.
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