Pray For My Book Writing

I am taking another 2-week sabbatical to continue work on a book. I need your prayers because I am not a professional writer. I’ve been writing Pastor’s Corners for 10 years now, and my writing skill has improved somewhat. But I still don’t feel comfortable writing. I’m not a born writer; I remember that in high school I received poor grades in writing.

So I’m writing this book not because it’s something I enjoy but because I was asked to. God has blessed our church greatly, and I believe it’s my responsibility to share the awesome things that God has done. It ‘s been that way with all my books. People have urged me to write, and I’ve felt led to share about God’s work.

My first book about house churches came about when someone from a church I had previously served at showed my weekly columns to other pastors. They got excited about the idea and some of them started writing their own columns right away. He urged me to collect my columns and publish them as a book to help pastors who had begun to write weekly columns on their church bulletins and introduced me to a Christian publisher in Korea. The publisher said that the columns alone would not be worth publishing but my experiences in setting up house churches at Seoul Baptist would be. He suggested that I write about that experience and include some of my columns in the book. The result was that first book.

The second book was written after I happened to call Rev. Ha Yong Jo, a well-known pastor of a megachurch in Korea who’s also a publisher. While talking he suggested that I write a book on house churches. I told him that I had already written a book and had no desire to write another book on the same subject. He then asked me, “Aren’t there people who are making unreasonable accusations that the house church movement is heretical?” There were in fact a few people who said that and I told him so. He responded, “If your ideas on the house church are published as a book by a reputable publishing house as mine, you won’t get these accusations.” I felt that this would be good for the house church movement so the second book was born.

The tentative title of the book I’m currently writing is “7 Secrets For Happy Church Members”. I started to write this book after an editor of a Christian magazine in Korea asked me; I wrote about this in a previous Pastor’s Corner.

During my last sabbatical I completed an outline. This time I’ll start the writing in earnest. Many of our church members say that they have never been happier in their church lives. Happy church members attract non-Christians, and that is why our church is growing. I want to share my experiences of God’s work in our church through this book.

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