172 results for author: Pastor Eric Shin

The Biggest House Church Seminar So Far

Let's pray for the upcoming House Church Seminar for Lay Leaders which will be from October 9 to 11. We initially planned to host 30 participants. However, more than 30 church leaders went through the registration process in less than two weeks since we opened up the online registration. Therefore, we felt the need to receive more participants than we originally anticipated. Now, we have 46 church leaders who will be coming to this year's lay leaders' seminar. This is the biggest number so far. But I pray that the number will continue to grow so that we can help and serve more churches understand what it means to build a church in the spirit of the ...

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Two Good Pastors Who Are Doing Unfulfilling Ministries

After the House Church Conference in Chicago, I spent some time with two good pastors who are not part of house church ministry network. I have known one of them for many years and the other one I just met through the first one. They are both very humble and down to earth. They both preach very well with good content and delivery. They have good relationships with most of their congregation members. Their wives are also very appreciated by their members because they are both committed to church ministry and serve faithfully and sacrificially without becoming a stumbling block to their church members which often happen due to pastors' wives' indiffer...

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Four Blessings of This Year’s Revival

With today's Sunday corporate worship service, this year's revival meeting will come to an end. As I reflect on the revival, four blessings are coming to my mind. First is servant-leadership. In order to make this revival meeting come to fruition even as an event, not a small number of people had to serve starting from several months prior to this weekend. This event falls under our Maturity Team. Therefore, the team members met, prayed and prepared well before the event and when the revival meeting began, they superbly executed every little detail so that things will go smoothly giving the Holy Spirit space and atmosphere to do His work among ...

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How Did All This Happen?

New Life is a strange church. We just finished "Six Day Dinner Fast & Early Morning Prayer." We did this in order to prepare our hearts for the revival meeting that begins from this Thursday. We fasted from 3pm to 6am the following day. We did this for six straight days. We also came out to church at 5am to pray for an hour. We prayed individually for the first 45 minutes and then corporately for the last 15 minutes. We did this also for six straight days. I don't know how many participated in the dinner fast, but on average there were about 70 to 80 people that came out to church to pray. And I am sure that there were many others who got up ...

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My Youngest One Is Going to College

His name is Josiah. When he was little, like three or so, he thought this Christian cartoon video that all my kids grew up watching was talking about him because he kept hearing the word "Messiah." He used to say to his brothers, "You see, they are talking about me!" I am so glad that he didn't turn out to be a cult leader. It's 2:45pm on Thursday afternoon. I am in my office preparing messages for the retreat where I will be speaking from this Friday to Sunday in San Jose, CA. It's the church where I had asked Grace Lee to go to. But I have decided to take some time out to write this not knowing where it will take me. I just felt the urge to write ...

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Sending our Children to Other Churches’ VBS

Summer is almost over.  That means almost all the churches' Vacation Bible Schools are also over.  So let me address all the parents on an issue that may be a little uncomfortable to hear. Over the years, I have noticed that New Life parents send their children to multiple VBS's during the summer, which struck me as odd.  I grew up going to just one VBS each year and that was the one at my home church.  I played and did school projects the rest of the summer. Why, then, do New Life families send their children to multiple VBS's?  There could be several reasons.  One, they sincerely want their children to learn about God.  Two, both mom ...

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I wonder what she was thinking

Recently my wife and I visited a house church that was severely struggling about three years ago. It was to a point where the shepherd wanted to throw in the towel and give up. I prayed for him and encouraged him to persevere just a little bit longer until he gets married. I felt that his house church could change and turn around when he gets married and his wife supports him in ministry. He listened and obeyed. The house church slowly started to get better after the shepherd got married. They faithfully served their house church members by loving on them and at times speaking the truth into their lives. However, it seemed like they still needed a ...

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