New Life Kids

Our Hope
The focus in NLK ministry is to help kids understand the grand story of God’s beautiful rescue plan. We hope that as our children begin to understand who they are and how God’s Word fits into their lives, they will begin to know God while building friendships that will last.
Here at New Life Kids, we intentionally partner with parents to build up the next generation of spiritual stars for Christ. We dream of seeing every home passing on their faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ to the next generation. May the next generation of disciples continue to spread the Gospel message to the ends of the earth.
How You Can Serve
- Rotate to assist in a classroom 12 Sundays a year
- Attend a worship service at 10AM each Sunday during the rotation
- Attend team meetings and/or dinners 12 Sundays a year
- Rotate to provide childcare at 9:45 AM another 12 Sundays a year
- Prepare for and participate in children/family events throughout the year
- Lead/Teach an infant-to-four-year-old Sunday class for 48 weeks
- Lead a Sunday Small Group of elementary students for 48 weeks
- Teach a Wednesday discipleship class for 24 weeks
- Prepare every week with the praise team to teach new songs
- Provide administrative support such as Sunday check-in, Wednesday office help