Daniel Kim
Team Leader

The purpose of the Membership Team is to reach out to people in search of a spiritual home and incorporate them into our New Life family.
Ministry Opportunities
Greetings Team
We seek to foster a welcoming atmosphere in which newcomers to New Life are embraced with the love of Christ. The Greetings Team is responsible for the following on a weekly basis:
- Preparing Sunday bulletins
- Directing parking lot traffic
- Greeting People at the door
- Bulletin Team
- Greeters
- Parking Attendants
Special Events Team
We organize and support outreach activities that offer an inviting atmosphere for family and friends to join us in fellowship. Events include an Annual Spring Crawfish Boil, October 31 Fall Festival, and Christmas Joint Worship with Seoul Baptist Church.
- Crawfish Boil Coordinator
- Fall Festival Coordinator
- Cooking / Grilling
- Equipment Set-up
- Refreshments
Sports Team
We coordinate recreational and competitive athletic events for the purpose of introducing newcomers to the love of Christ in us.
- Basketball Coordinator
- Flag Football Coordinator
- Volleyball Coordinator
- Sports Ministry Volunteers
- Referees
Other Support Ministries
We assist in a number of “behind-the-scenes” activities to support the overall ministries of the church.
- Sunday Refreshments Managers
- Food Coordinators for Non-Member Classes
- Chair Ministry
- Baptism Set-up