As you all know, we had our family meeting last Sunday at 6:30PM in the trailer house. After having a brief but pleasant ice cream social we dove right into the agenda for the evening which was to hear from The Building Committee (BC) about their recommendation of a design-build firm that will help New Life build our future facilities and to vote on whether or not we will go with the BC’s suggestion.
Harold Yi, the BC chairperson, did a great job of presenting the material in a summary form of what the committee has been working on for the past several months. We would like to thank all the committee members for their sacrificial dedication up to this point.
Interestingly, some of the members who were at the meeting were still unclear as to why we were voting on this when I have made it clear to them that we must build our facilities and move out of the gym by the end of 2006 from the pulpit and also through a couple of “From the Pastor’s Desk.” I believe it is because of the family meeting that we had in the fall of last year in regards to the building project that some of us are still a little confused. I take the full blame for that and would like to apologize to New Life once again for it.
God, however, amazingly clarified everything during the meeting as we were sharing, discussing and asking questions to each other. After spending about an hour and thirty minutes, the family has decided to vote on this:
1. We will begin working with SLI Group, Inc. This firm will do the architectural drawing for us as well as constructing our facilities.
2. The building that we need will cost us around $2,800,000 to 3,200,000. However, the BC has advised the family that we should begin actual construction if we could come up with the minimum $2,600,000 since we can build our facilities with some modification. New Life already has $600,000 in money market. The other $2,000,000 will come from a combination of a long-term loan that we will secure from a bank based on our income budget and a short-term loan that will be paid off by our three-year building pledge.
3. We will not have another family meeting to vote on the pledge amount. It will be decided by the Leadership Team.
The vote was passed by New Life family by a margin of 43 in favor of passing of the referendum to 1 rejecting it. We heard the voice of God!
The Finance Committee (FC) will shortly be formed to secure from a bank the best possible loan for New Life. They will also come up with a building pledge campaign plan that will be most beneficial to New Life family. The Leadership Team (LT) and those who use the facilities the most for ministry purposes will come together and work very closely with SLI to share our facility needs. And the BC will continue to work with SLI and negotiate with them so New Life can sign the best possible contract and proceed with our building project.
Thanks everyone for trusting the leadership of New Life. This means a lot to me. I would appreciate it very much if you could devote yourself to prayer particularly for those who are directly involved in BC, FC and LT so they could get the wisdom and discernment from God in building our future facilities! And as we go through our building project, let’s continue to do our best to protect the unity of our church because that is the greatest testimony to the world!
Your pastor,
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