In Anticipation of Joyful Celebration on 12/28

In just two months from today, we will celebrate the completion of “To Gain More.” For those of you who have become members of New Life within the past three years, “To Gain More” is our building project that we kicked off exactly three years ago while we were worshipping in the Korean Speaking Congregation’s (KSC) gymnasium. Before the gym, we first worshipped in their old youth chapel, and then we moved into their old trailer house which, since then, has been remodeled and is being used as a children’s game room.

It was while we were borrowing the gym from the KSC and worshipping there that God clearly called us to build a place of our own “to gain more” four things. First, it was to gain more space for us, our children and our seven team ministries. Second, it was to gain more lost people who matter to God and who need to be saved by His grace. Third, it was to gain more faith in God as we experience God’s provision in this project. And fourth, it was to gain more of Him, our Treasure!

I remember standing before you and challenging you that every New Life family member is going to participate in this because it is not someone else’s business but ours. Moreover, I talked about how we will not give God just a one time token gift and be done with it but will pledge a sacrificial amount that will require us three years to give. And in doing this, I shared with you, “Equal sacrifice, not equal amount.” The amount each individual brings will be different depending on his life and financial situation, but the amount of sacrifice each member makes will be the same.

The seven team leaders and I set an example before you by pledging to give close to a half million dollars. And then, you followed our footsteps. The total pledge amount including the ones that came in some time later was a little more than two and a half million dollars. As of now, we have received about 85% of it, which is tremendous and very commendable. We have two more months to go before the official pledge date comes to an end. As I have done in the past, I trust that you will come through above and beyond what is required of us.

However, more than this pledge amount, what God has been doing in our midst since we began our building project is incredible. Our children have been lovingly and patiently taught and trained with God’s word in our new facility. And I often hear from parents how their children truly enjoy coming to church.

New Life is growing more mature and we are seeing more of our children growing into teenage years. They too have benefited greatly from having a place of their own where they can worship God, study the Bible and interact with one another.

The adult members of New Life are not any exception to this. Many gather together during the week for various Bible studies, meetings, training and service. And how thankful we are to have our worship center where we get to come every Sunday to focus our hearts and minds on God as we enter into His presence through praise and worship, hear His voice through inspiring and challenging messages and fellowship with one another.

We also have been able to train and equip members for overseas missions including our one year team to Thailand using this very space. Moreover, how can I forget to talk about all the community outreach we have been doing through events like crawfish boil, fall festival and Saturday tutoring program? And we will continue to expand and broaden our ministry in the years to come serving God by serving people, fully utilizing our facility.

God certainly knew what He was doing when He called us to build. It is not for us to be comfortable or brag about our own achievement. It is to bring glory and honor to God as we fulfill the mission He has personally given us when we began New Life more than 11 years ago.

“Our mission is to reach the people of the world for Christ, build them up as fully devoted servant-leaders, and send them out as messengers of God’s Good News, all for the glory of God.”

As we have been faithfully and sacrificially fulfilling our pledge I am aware of the fact that many of our New Life families, including several team leaders have been enjoying unusual provisions of God. These people are walking testimonies of Matthew 6: 33 and we will get a chance to hear some of these stories soon. Our God is faithful and His promise never fails!

Next Sunday, Sean Kim, our Administration Team leader, will give us the financial update. And in an effort to fulfill our pledge, we will have Thanksgiving Challenge Offering on Thanksgiving Sunday, 11/23. Then on 12/28 we will have To Gain More completion celebration with a banquet.

What great and joyous celebration will that day be when we fulfill all that we have promised to God! We will be proven to be faithful just as our Heavenly Father is faithful!

Your pastor,


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