From the Mag Team Leader’s Desk Nathan Kim

Dear NLF,

Psalm 150:6 proclaims, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!”

I have had the upmost honor and privilege of living out this Scripture by serving on the praise team for the past five years. And I have served, for the past four years, as the Magnification team leader alongside great men of faith, humility, integrity, character, and love for NLF. It truly has been a tremendous blessing in my life as I’ve served alongside dedicated and faithful servant-leaders on the Magnification team. Everyone serving on the team treasures the opportunity we have to lead our fellow NLF brothers and sisters into a time of worship where God can do His mighty work in changing and reforming our hearts. I was never, nor will I ever be, the most gifted vocalist, guitarist, or leader, but despite all my shortcomings, I am grateful to God, Pastor Eric, and the rest of the leadership who entrusted me with leading the Magnification team for the past four years. I fell and made numerous mistakes along the way, but there were many who were there to support and encourage me. I learned many lessons from the pastoral staff what it means to serve faithfully and humbly. My passion and love is to build up the local church through music and the creative arts and that is why it was so difficult for me to step away from serving God and the body through this ministry. After much thought and consideration, I made the decision to go back to school part-time in the evenings while working full-time for the next couple years. My wife and I thought long and prayed much to come to this conclusion and we both felt that the timing was now or never.

I am stepping aside as the Magnification team leader with sadness, but I am eager to see how God will use this time to raise up and continue to build up worshippers for life! My hope and prayer for this church is that we will be a congregation that loves and lives to glorify God through worship during our lifetime. Think about it: praising, honoring, and worshipping is what we have to look forward to in heaven so we should get all the practice we can get here on earth, right? There have been too many instances where I’ve been touched so deeply and God has spoken to me so profoundly during praise. There is power in songs when it is based on God’s living word and His everlasting promises. We do not merely mouth the words but sing and shout with sincerity and God hears those words no matter how off pitch we may be.

I truly believe that Sunday corporate worship is a time when God will do just that if we let go of ourselves and let Him in. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God — this is your spiritual act of worship.”  – Romans 12:1

I ask that you pray for our Magnification (praise/sound/multimedia/drama) team members each week for what they do is vital to the growth of our church and spiritual life. We need your prayer support to be an effective pipeline between you and God on Sunday mornings.

I thank God for His sacrifice, mercy, and abundant grace. Even though I won’t be leading on stage any longer, I sure am looking forward to praising my heart out as I join everyone in the congregation. Who knows, maybe I’ll join the college students in the front row and jump up and down for God! I think they’ve seen a glimpse of what heaven will be like…

Your fellow brother in Christ,


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